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This mindful thought anchor reminds us through our everyday life to take out a moment to reflect. To count our blessings and seeing the bright side of things. If we change the way we look at life, the life changes. Its so much fuller!
Gratitude is the antidote of anxiety, restlessness and all the crap feelings. A seed of gratitude destroys negative emotions and thought patterns on auto-pilot. Its no woo-woo, its scientific.
Everyday, we come across millions of data points. All sorts of things, beautiful to crap. Gratitude trains our mind (RAS) to see the bright side. And our life is what we see and what we feel. If we see good, eventually life reflects back the same to us. It magical!
Out of 1440 minutes we have in a day, we can surely take out 3 minutes towards Gratitude, for how this practice lights up our life. But these 3 minutes most likely get swept away by everyday life. That's why we create these anchors to trigger and create fresh thought patterns to bring about positive change. It is powerful.
So what 3 things are you grateful for? Close your eyes for a few moments, really feel it deep.